Save the date as we gear up for our biggest event of the year. Join us as we host our traditional Irish meal for one day only, Thursday March 17th St. Patrick's Day. Every year we sell out of our famous corn beef and cabbage and this year will be even BIGGER. Be sure wear your green, bring your friends, for some fellowship and fun. This year we strive to bring Ireland to Fairmont, so make your plans now and we will see you soon at McAteers! #Mcateersfairmont #IrelandtoFairmont #EveryonesIrish #StPatricksDay #Cornbeefandcabbage

McAteer's Fairmont WV 1316 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV. (304) 366-3158 www.McAteersfairmontWV.COM #McAteersFairmont